Friday, September 16, 2011
[Computer] Command GM For RF Online Server
RF online GM commands
Semua Perintah GM untuk Server Rf Online 2.2.6 dan 2.2.3
%xyz (Give oneself coords.)
%resurrect (Resurrect oneself.)
%lv (Set oneself lvl.)
%transparent (Turn ON oneself invisible.)
%no transparent (Turn OFF oneself invisible.)
%matchless (Turn ON oneself god kill.)
%no matchless (Turn OFF oneself god kill.)
%pass dungeon (Finish oneself entered battle dungeon.)
%neverdie (Turn ON oneself invincible.)
%no neverdie (Turn OFF oneself invincible.
%allskill <999999999> (Set oneself skills level.)
%full force (Set oneself spells to max level.)
%show me the dalant <123> (Give oneself money, or input amount.)
%show me the gold <123> (Give oneself 500.000 gold, or input amount.)
%die (Kill oneself.)
%miracle (Sort of healing.)
%fullmiracle (Sort of healing.)
%contribute_p </123> (Add CP points to oneself.)
%contribute_m </123> (Add PVP points to oneself.)
%pass quest (Pass oneself obtained quest, and give you reward.)
%min attack point (Deal minimum damage of your attack range.)
%max attack point (Deal maximum damage of your attack range.)
%normal attack point (Set damage back to normal.)
%effect time <123> (Set buff duration on oneself, max 9000 seconds.)
%effect clear (Remove oneself buffs.)
Items ect
%clear inven (Delete oneself inventory.)
%god hand (Turn ON god upgrade mode.)
%chicken hand (Turn OFF god upgrade mode.)
%beggar (Drop all the targeted mob items, max amount and max items.)
%no beggar (Make targeted mob drops normally.)
%cashamount (Cash shop related.)
%csbuy <ITEM_ID> (Buy cash shop item.)
%kick <USERNAME> (Kick player out of game.)
%chatban <username> (Mute XXXX player)
%circle (Display amount of players near you.)
%total (Display amount of users online for each race.)
%servertime (Display server uptime.)
%Set Guild Grade (Set oneself guild grade.)
%Set Guild Grade By Name (Set guild grade.)
%Set Guild Grade By GuildSerial (Set guild grade.)
%monset <ON> (Turn On/Off mobs respawning.)
/town (Teleport oneself to HQ.)
/move <USERNAME> (Port to a Player)
%port (Teleport oneself to new map.)
%goto mine (Port you in front of mine core)
%jump (Teleport to XYZ coords.)
%charcall (port a player to you)
%partycall <USERNAME> (Call whole player party to oneself.)
%guildcall <USERNAME> (Call whole player guild to oneself.)
%eder 0 (Bellato-base)
%eder 1 (Cora-base)
%eder 2 (Accretia base)
%goto ship (Teleport oneself to transportation ship.)
Elan Map
%jump Elan -5242 429 -2655
%jump Elan 3549 219 -3974
%goto stone 0 (bellato)
%goto stone 1 (cora
%goto stone 2 (accretia)
%jump Platform01 12544 1357 -3215 (Cora ether sky jail)
%jump Platform01 -4737 3406 11077 (Bell ether sky jail)
%jump Platform01 -11118 3700 -430 (Acc ether sky jail)
ipbnp08 - 0 sec hp pots
ipbhp08 - pots (hp,fp,sp,de,co,ae,ex,np)
Chargers ect
ipcsa01 - 03 (1 bell, 2 coral 3 acc) bust potions
ipcsa28 - 39 (1 sec is 39) cure chargers
ipcsa30 - stealth (30 acc, 29 cora, 28 bell)
ipbae01 - belato
ipbae02 - cora
ipbae03 - accretia
ipbde01 - belato
ipbde02 - cora
ipbde03 - accretia
iqell01 - Elan Scrolls
iqres01 - Crag Mine Field Scrolls
iqpvp01/02 - Beast Mountain & outcast map instant teleporters
immmm04 - upgrader item
rdpvp01/02/03 - satalite scanners
ircht01 - blue powder
iygem04 - sparkling gem (exchange for master gift boxes, good for player rewards ^^)
%threeseven war (Drop 4 Race backpacks.)
irres01 - Red Stone (combineing for C Grade Armor)
irbls01 - Blue Stone (Gem Upgradeing)
iyyyy25 - silver catalyst
iyyyy26 - gold catalyst
ixkey01 - ixkey24 normal gateway key
ixkey25 - dark hole gateway key
LOOTS (iyyyy01-iyyyy24)
iyyyy06 - louis mika
iyyyy03 - greaf
iyyyy21 - ply blidend
iyyyy17 - sol zid
ipcsa73 - Class Change pill
Recovery Pills
rebbb01 - rebbb11
ipdrw01 - Concintradted Poision
ipdrw02 - Beserkers Vile
ipdrw03 - Cremul Snatchers
(Warning!! some boxes may cause Client to crash when opened)
bxcsa01 - 03 (28 for sock box, 03 lucky large, 18 fav largerr)
bxgem04 - boxes
bxcjh01 - boxes
bxxts04 - boxes
bxbch01 - belato box item
bxcch01 - cora box item
bxach01 - accretian box item
Change (01-04)
ioblu04 - blue ore +4
iored04 - red ore +4
iobla04 - black ore +4
iogre04 - green ore +4
ioyel04 - yellow +4
(change 01 for 02,03 // A,B,C)
irebu01 - blue excelsior
irere01 - red excelsior
irebl01 - black excelsior
iregr01 - green excelsior
ireyl01 - yellow excelsior
irepu01 - purple excelsior
irewh01 - white excelsior
irebw01 - brown excelsior
ireol01 - olive excelsior
irena01 - navy excelsior
T2 Gems
T3 Gems
T4 Gems
(Weapons are lowered by 5lvl)
/change 50 for (45,40,35,30)
CHANGE “e” to a letter between A to L (see above for purple outputs)
a = 1.00 Speed Increase
b = 20% FP Decrease
c = 30 Aiming Increase
d = 10% Damage Avoidance
e = 10% Attack Increase
f = 10% Defense Increase
g = 500% FP Recovery Rate
h = Maximum FP Increase
i = 20% Damage Convert to Health
j = 1% Damage Convert to FP
k = Increase Critical Chance by 5
l = Increase Attack Radius/Range by 20
iwaze50 launchers
bows iwbze50
swords iwsze50
maces iwmze50
guns iwfze50
knives iwkze50
spears iwpze50
staffs iwtze50
axes iwxze50
Relic Weapons
(lvl 45)
iwstz02 - Relic staff (Accelleon)
iwluz04 - Relic launcher (Cerberus)
iwflz04 - Relic launcher (Inferno)
iwfad04 - Relic launcher (Titan)
iwboz01 - Relic bow (Valkyrie)
iwboz02 - Relic cross Bow (Chimera)
iwfiz04 - Relic firearm (Dual Hitter)
iwfid06 - Relic firearm (M-72 Dark Bullet)
iwmad02 - Relic mace (Cretin Toel)
iwmad03 - Relic mace (Blunt of Oblivion)
iwaxd02 - Relic axe (Armor Killer)
iwswd01 - Relic sword (Man Eater)
iwspz02 - Relic spear (Vengeance)
iwknd02 - Relic knife (Izen Ritter’s Black Blade)
GM Weapons
iwstd01 - Staff (JM Staff)
iwkna99 - Knife (CEO Sword)
Misc Weapons
iwswd45 - Dual Event Swords (lvl 1 )
iwlub51 - Int Hora Akeron Launcher (lvl 50)
iwhkn01 - Black Sign’s Man Eater (lvl 53)
iwfib55 - Int Dark Gatling (lvl 55)
iwlub50 - Epochal Launcher for Lvl50
iwchr01 - Elemental Dual Swords
Ancient Armor (lvl 50 armor)
ihawc50 - Acc Melee
iharc50 - Acc Ranger
ihafc50 - Acc Launcher
ihcwc50 - Cora Melee
ihcrc50 - Cora Ranged
ihcsc50 - Cora Spirit
ihbwc50 - Bell Melee
ihbrc50 - Bell Ranged
ihbfc50 - Bell Spirit
Dragon Armor (lvl 55 armor)
iubwd01 - Bell - Melee - Fire
iubrd01 - Bell - Ranged - Fire
iubfd01 - Bell - Force - Fire
iucwd01 - Cora - Melee - Fire
iucrd01 - Cora - Ranged - Fire
iucfd01 - Cora - Force - Fire
iuawd01 - Acc - Melee - Fire
iuard01 - Acc - Ranged - Fire
iuafd01 - Acc - Launcher - Fire
iubwd02 - Bell - Melee - Aqua
iubrd02 - Bell - Ranged - Aqua
iubfd02 - Bell - Force - Aqua
iucwd02 - Cora - Melee - Aqua
iucrd02 - Cora - Ranged - Aqua
iucfd02 - Cora - Force - Aqua
iuawd02 - Acc - Melee - Aqua
iuard02 - Acc - Ranged - Aqua
iuafd02 - Acc - Launcher - Aqua
Normal Armor Formula
ihawb47 - armor (a = acc, u = upper | b = int | w = warrior, f = launcher)
(ttz = endurance, x = gurdian, y = sharp, v = protect)
(u = strength, t = solid, s = strong, r = pain)
(q = adv str)
Type B Shields:
idaab50 - Accrecian Intense Shield, Level: 50
idabb50 - Bellato Intense Shield, Level: 50
idacb50 - Cora Intense Shield, Level: 50
Type C Shields:
idata50 - idati50
idaab45 - shields acc
idbcb45 - shields ccc/bcc
idih (maybe)
Siege Kits
sklu003 - Red Atk Kit
sklu004 - Red Def Kit
sklu005 - Blue Kit
001-005 (lvl40) 006-010 (lvl50)
ikaa006 - acc
ikbb006 - bell
ikcc006 - cora
irjad01 Lucky
irjad02 Promise
irjad03 Wealth
irjad04 Talk
irjad05 Boost
Christmas Jades:
irchr01 EXP x100, PT & Mining x50, Drop x2
irchr02 Only usable by Christmasevent (lvl relaxes)
01 Ignorant (atk)
02 Destruction (vampire)
03 Darkness (-block)
04 Chaos (crit)
05 Hatred (+range)
06 Favor (+def)
07 Wisdom (-debuff time)
08 Sacredfire (fire)
09 Belief (water)
10 Guard (earth)
11 Glory (wind)
12 Grace (accuracy)
13 Mercy (dodge)
14 Restoration (remove talic)
(for some change “a” “b” “c” for acc/bell/cora)
iabhb05 - Vampiric (30 atk - 5 HP drain)
iabhd05 - Flame (25 atk - 20 acc)
iabhs05 - Mutant (25 atk - 25 def)
iabht05 - Stormknife (25 atk - 20 dodge)
iidgn01 - Dagnu’s Ring (30 atk - 10 def - 5 HP/FP)
iidgn02 - Dagon’s Ring (10 atk - 10 def - 20 HP/FP)
iadgn01 - Dagon’s Leash (10 atk - 30 def - 5 HP/FP)
iadgn02 - BBB leash (30 atk - 30 def - 10 HP drain - detect) Combined Amulet!
Outcasted Marauder’s Earing (for rings replace first “a” with “i”, iibna10)
(for some change “a” “b” “c” for acc/bell/cora)
iabna10 - 22 atk - 10 def - 1 HP drain
iabna11 - 24 atk - 12 def - 3 HP drain
iabna12 - 26 atk - 15 def - 5 HP drain
Liberated Outcast’s Earing (for rings replace first “a” with “i”, iibna10)
(for some change “a” “b” “c” for acc/bell/cora)
iabna13 - 16 dodge - 16 range - 10 debuff assist time
iabna14 - 18 dodge - 18 range - 12 debuff assist time
iabna15 - 20 dodge - 20 range - 15 debuff assist time
Dead Outcast’s Earing (for rings replace first “a” with “i”, iibna10)
(for some change “a” “b” “c” for acc/bell/cora)
iabna16 - 16 Dodge - 10 HP/FP - 12 def
iabna17 - 18 Dodge - 12 HP/FP - 14 def
iabna18 - 16 Dodge - 10 HP/FP - 12 def
iaxxx04 - Odin Pendant (25 HP/FP)
ring 30/25 iiaad80 Bcc iibbd80 ….. 30/30 iiaad50
headset 30/25 iaaad25 …… 30/30 iaaad50
iiaad05 - RING new eles (30/50 per att/def | 80 per att/dog) (aa, bb, cc middle two letters)
iaaad05 - HS new eles (50 per att/def | 80 per att/dog ) (aa, bb, cc middle two letters)
iachr01 - christmas elemental amulet atk 40%
iachr02 - christmas elemental amulet atk 45%
iachr03 - christmas elemental amulet def 40%
iachr04 - christmas elemental amulet def 45%
iachr05 - christmas elemental amulet avoid 40
iachr06 - christmas elemental amulet avoid 45
iichr01 - christmas elemental ring atk 40%
iichr02 - christmas elemental ring atk 45%
iichr03 - christmas elemental ring def 40%
iichr04 - christmas elemental ring def 45%
iichr05 - christmas elemental ring avoid 40%
iichr06 - christmas elemental ring avoid 45%
iaxxx01 - CEO Headset (1k SP - 99 FP consump - 100 acc - 100 dodge)
iixxx01 - CEO Ring (1k HP/FP - 10k atk - 10k def - lvl skill up 6)
acc ring - iiaab58 25/25 atk/def
iiaab50 25/20 atk/avoid
iiaab74 25/20 def/avoid
acc hs - iaaab50 25/20 atk/avoid
iaaab58 25/25 atk/def
ikxxx01 - CEO Mantle (Cape - Stealth - Detect - 10 run speed)
ikxxx02 - Munggu’s Mantle (Cape - Stealth - Detect - 25 run speed)
ikxxx03 - GM Mantle (Cape - Stealth - Detect - 1k SP - 10 run speed)
%recallexp # (sets the XP on ALL animus that are put away)
%recallexp 0 (resets all of them to lvl 1)
%recallexp 7500000000 (give you a level 50 pet)
%moncall (ID)
%monset <ON> (Turn On/Off mobs respawning.)
(4 acc, 5 bell, 6 cora)
01304 - Vice Block Lunker PB
09704 - Varas
01F04 - Gaff
01004 - Splinter
01104 - Rook
01204 - Warbeast
- Lunker
01504 - Ratmoth
01604 - Drone
01704 - Vafer
02004 - Tweezer
02404 - Grumble
02C04 - King Crook
04004 - Anabola
04104 - Brutal
04204 - Meat Clod
04304 - Blood Crawler
04404 - Blood Vafer
04504 - Snatcher Rex
05817 - Calliana Queen
13A07 - Thor
0BB07 - Draco PB
16517 - Draco Flamejante
09207 - hora ABX
16307 - Rind Leader Blood Axe
05207 - Hora Armored Hobo Blade
0B407 - Carmen
*12707 - Leon Volv
*12307 - Xich
05906 - DevilChooty
14D07 - Eldi Croche
15407 - Kwele
*15207 - Edisil_Narwen
04317 - Esmagador Sanguin.rio_Horae
0390C - Rainha Naiade Ondina Guerreira Horae
09437 - Baal Hamon Horae (dbos)
16307 - Leder dos Machados
0ED07 - Blue ABX
06D07 - belp
0AB07 - rj
0AF07 - taravan
0AC07 - blink
0AD07 - sinder
0B207 - dagon
0B107 - Dagan
0B007 - Dagnu
0BA07 - walnut
Normal/Ace types:
0560B = Calliana
04100 = Brutal
0910B = Laj. Tower
0521B = Hobo Defender
03200 = Snatcher
03300 = Heller
0810B = TC Desperado
0811B = TC Infiltrator
0820B = TC Caster
0821B = TC Dark Priest
0830B = TC Psyper
0831B = TC Chandra
0501B = Passer Alpha
0511B = Passer Gamma
0920B = Assasin Builder A
0930B = Assasin Builder B
0590B = Chooty
0660B = Bogi Bolt
0670B = Gravestone
0680B = Blade Pon
03900 = Naiad Heller
05003 = Hobo Trooper
04803 = Spell Lazhuwardian
04603 = Lazhuwardian Warrior
0751B - turncoat hidden soldier
Ibbow01-48 - Bows/Cross Bows/Beam Bows
100 Count Ammo
01 - point
02 - point - fire
03 - point - water
04 - point - earth
05 - aoe
06 - point - wind
07 - aoe - fire
Cross Bow
08 - point
09 - point - fire
10 - point - water
11 - point - earth
12 - aoe
13 - point - wind
14 - aoe - fire
Beam Bow and Cross Bow
15 - point
16 - point - advanced
500 Count Ammo (Giga)
17 - point
18 - point - fire
19 - point - water
20 - point - earth
21 - aoe
22 - point - wind
23 - aoe - fire
Cross Bow
24 - point
25 - point - fire
26 - point - water
27 - point - earth
28 - aoe
29 - point - wind
30 - aoe - fire
Beam Bow and Cross Bow
31 - point
32 - point - advanced
30000 Count Ammo (Terra)
33 - point
34 - point - fire
35 - point - water
36 - point - earth
37 - aoe
38 - point - wind
39 - aoe - fire
Cross Bow
40 - point
41 - point - fire
42 - point - water
43 - point - earth
44 - aoe
45 - point - wind
46 - aoe - fire
Beam Bow and Cross Bow
47 - point
48 - point - advanced
[/b]ibfir01-82 - Firearms/Launchers[/b]
100 Count Ammo
01 - norm
02 - norm - wind
03 - beam
04 - beam
05 - rif/mach
06 - norm - earth -aoe
07 - norm - fire - aoe
08 - lua - fire - aoe
09 - lua - wind - aoe
10 - lua - fire - aoe
11 - lua - earth - aoe
12 - lua - water - aoe
13 - lua - fire
14 - lua - fire
15 - flame - fire - aoe
16 - lua
67 - rif/mach - aoe
69 - flame - water - aoe
72 - flame - earth - aoe
75 - flame - wind - aoe
78 - norm - water
500 Count Ammo (Giga)
17 - norm
18 - norm - wind
19 - beam
20 - beam
21 - rif/mach
22 - norm - earth -aoe
23 - norm - fire - aoe
24 - lua - fire - aoe
25 - lua - wind - aoe
26 - lua - fire - aoe
27 - lua - earth - aoe
28 - lua - water - aoe
29 - lua - fire
30 - lua - fire
31 - flame - fire - aoe
32 - lua
68 - rif/mach - aoe
70 - flame - water - aoe
73 - flame - earth - aoe
76 - flame - wind - aoe
79 - norm - water
30,000 Count Ammo (Terra)
33 - norm
34 - norm - wind
35 - beam
36 - beam
37 - rif/mach
38 - norm - earth -aoe
39 - norm - fire - aoe
40 - lua - fire - aoe
41 - lua - wind - aoe
42 - lua - fire - aoe
43 - lua - earth - aoe
44 - lua - water - aoe
45 - lua - fire
46 - lua - fire
47 - flame - fire - aoe
48 - lua
71 - flame - water - aoe
74 - flame - earth - aoe
77 - flame - wind - aoe
80 - norm - water
Grenade Launcher Ammo
51 - Acid
52 - Piklin
53 - Smog
54 - Shock
55 - Mental
56 - Stun
57 - Acid Shower
58 - Breaking Strength
59 - Microrom Gas
60 - Resist Break
61 - Limited Force
62 - Impact Explosion
63 - Flash Wave
64 - Holding Web
65 - Virus Inject
66 - Mind Control
81 - Cure
82 - Healing
%start holy (Start chip war.)
%keeper bye (Kill HSK until next CW.)
%start keeper O (Make HSK appear, friendly for bellato.)
%start keeper 1 (Make HSK appear, friendly for cora.)
%start keeper 2 (Make HSK appear, friendly for accretia.)
Various Other Commands
%rate-info (Display current rates)
%rateoff (Set rates back to x1)
%respawn stop (Stop mobs respawning)
%respawn start (Start mobs respawning)
%itemdrop-rate 6 (ItemDrop_Rate:6 x)
%itemdrop-rate 5 (ItemDrop_Rate:5 x)
%itemdrop-rate 4 (ItemDrop_Rate:4 x)
%itemdrop-rate 3 (ItemDrop_Rate:3 x)
%itemdrop-rate 2 (ItemDrop_Rate:2 x)
%itemdrop-rate 1 (ItemDrop_Rate:1 x)
%expert-rate 6 (Expert_Rate:6 x)
%expert-rate 5 (Expert_Rate:5 x)
%expert-rate 4 (Expert_Rate:4 x)
%expert-rate 3 (Expert_Rate:3 x)
%expert-rate 2 (Expert_Rate:2 x)
%expert-rate 1 (Expert_Rate:1 x)
%force-rate 6 (Force PT Rate: 6 x)
%force-rate 5 (Force PT Rate: 5 x)
%force-rate 4 (Force PT Rate: 4 x)
%force-rate 3 (Force PT Rate: 3 x)
%force-rate 2 (Force PT Rate: 2 x)
%force-rate 1 (Force PT Rate: 1 x)
%exp-rate 6 (Exp_Rate:6 x)
%exp-rate 5 (Exp_Rate:5 x)
%exp-rate 4 (Exp_Rate:4 x)
%exp-rate 3 (Exp_Rate:3 x)
%exp-rate 2 (Exp_Rate:2 x)
%exp-rate 1 (Exp_Rate:1 x)
%mine-rate 6 (Mining Rate: 6 x)
%mine-rate 5 (Mining Rate: 5 x)
%mine-rate 4 (Mining Rate: 4 x)
%mine-rate 3 (Mining Rate: 3 x)
%mine-rate 2 (Mining Rate: 2 x)
%mine-rate 1 (Mining Rate: 1 x)
%event-info (Display Event rates)
%eventoff (Turn off events)
%event-item (Set event price)
%event-race X (Set event for X race)
%event-mine (Set mine event rates)
%event-expert (Set event rates)
%event-exp (Set event rates)
ipeex01 - ipeex08
ALT+B (Opens observer menu which enables fly/noclip mode.)
/add <USERNAME> (Add the user to your player list, only usable in observer mode, must have player targeted when you do it.)
/remove <USERNAME> (Remove player from observer list.)
/add (Use this command to add a blank button, and being abble to leave the follow mode.)
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ReplyDeleteFull Pvp Server
• Web : Comingsoon
• patch : Is Building
• Fanspage & list event :
• Max Level 66
• Exp x6000
• Animus x60000
• Drop x30
• PT skill Force GM
• Quest 50.56 OFF
• Max Upgrade +7 ( Donation & non Donation )
• Guild Honor ON
• sistem PVP Drop
• Save Zone Elf land
• Fix Animus Trap MAU
• High Rate Upgrade Item
• Balance Damage and Defense
• No Over Acuraccy and Avoidance
• No Over Damage and Deff Donation
• RSHIELD Zone Protector
• GM fast respond & Friendly
New Character Reward :
• Premium Service
• CN 50 pcs
• 100.000 PVP Point ( Lvl 40 Relog )
• GP 30K 10pcs
HQ :
• Portal PitBoss
• Weapon Rare B 35-60 +6 slot 7
• Armor Rare B 35-60 +6 slot 7
• Shield Rare B 35-60 +6 slot 7
• Armor Council 65 slot 6
• Weapon Medium Lv 65 +6 slot 7
• Armor Medium Lv 65 + 6 slot 7
• Elemental Medium & High
• Shield Magnum Lv 65 +6 slot 7
Sette :
• NPC Chas shop
• Ammo Spec 3000 & Excelsiar A/B/C ( Black , Yellow , White )
• Tower & Trap 60 65
• NPC Boster Magnum
• NPC Talick & T5
Ether (White Hole) :
• Armor Magnum lvl 65 +6 slot 7
• Shield Donation Magnum 65 + 6 slot 7
• Weapon Magnum lvl 65 +7
Drop List Information :
• Young Flem : Elemental Perfect
• Wing : Legacy Blade
• Flem : Pil Recovery Experience 100%
• Calliana Ether : Crystal Talic
• Draco Hatchling : Advanced Booster Lv.50
• Giant Baba : Leon Medium lvl 50
• Hoom Baba : GP 1000 - 2000
• Granite Block : Mau Blessing
• Jewerly Cube : Pot Anti Scare/Stigma Lv 3,Dual OD, GP 15.000
• Cremul Snatcher Captain : Aiming Booster Part Box
• Kukra Vafer Captain : Blood Booster Part Box
• Naroom Crawler Captain : Aiming Blood boster 50 Grade GP 15.000
• Mini HSK : Jade Of Vitality, Roast Potato-cofee 70% , GP +30000
• Metal Elf berseker : Caliana Nickleace ( CN )
• Kukra Elf Commander : PVP Point Random
• Cremul Elf Commander : PVP Point Random
• Wing Box : Leon lvl 40 High , Jade Of Comunication 12 Hours
• PB Markas : All Rune
• PB Belphegor : Leon lvl 55 high , GP 30000
• PB Elan : Leon Lvl 40 High , Cristmas Shock
• PB Ring Leader : Boster Magnum , GP 30000
• PB Izen : Weapon Magnum GP 30000
• PB Thor : Armor Magnum , GP 30000
• PB Jetso : Elemental Magnum GP 30000
• PB Golden Pig : Cristmas shock , All Rune
• Chip : TP CALL REVIVAL , potongan snow pray ,GP 30.000
• HSK : Weapon Magnum , Elemental Magnum ,Armor Magnum